
Finally, a cycling club for the rest of us.  

   The Wasatch Wheelmen cycling club is made of of dedicated cyclists who love to ride and appreciate the camaraderie and extra motivation that comes with riding in a group.  
   Riders of all abilities are welcome, but our niche is gathering cyclists who may be slightly past their prime, but certainly are not over the hill.  
   Did you used to ride, but dropped out of your cycling club because you just didn't seem to fit in anymore?  Are you tired of being dropped, but would like to ride aggressively within your comfort level with a group of like minded riders?  Then this club is for you.  
   We are have members all up and down the Wasatch front with most of our members in Davis, Weber and Salt Lake counties.

Read who we are below.

Who are we?
Maybe it would be easiest to start off describing what we are not.
   We are not like any other bike club on the Wasatch Front.  We are not a competitive club. It is all for fun, fitness and meeting people.  If you want to join a competitive bike club, we would suggest you go to either the Biker's Edge team, the Bountiful Mazda club team, or the Bonneville Bike club team. These are great clubs that have great teams.  You can still ride with us if you want, but unlike most club teams, our goal is not to drop you.
   We don't sponsor events or try to raise money for charity.  Most of us are very busy and already give to some great charities.  If you want to join a great team that is doing great charity work, we would suggest Team Give.   You will find our members riding in some of the local charity rides like the Bike MS and Tour de Cure.  
   We don't go out begging sponsors for money.  It is great to have your cycling habit subsidized by someone, but that is not why we have sponsors.  We put sponsor logos on our uniform because we want to support them, not have them support us.  If you see a sponsor logo on our jersey it is because we think they are a great organization or business and deserve our advertising.  In exchange for the advertising some of them choose to give our team members a discount, which we greatly appreciate.  
Now what you know what we are not, here is who we are.  
   Look around next time you are out riding.  There are always a bunch of people out riding by themselves.  Our goal is to give these solo riders a place to find someone to ride with.  Cycling is more fun in a group.  The Wasatch Wheelmen are all about getting these people together.  

   Are you a beginner and feel a bit intimidated by the big clubs?  Then this club is for you.  
   Are you a bit past your prime, but not quite over the hill?  Do you still like to ride aggressively within your ability?  Then this club is for you. 
   Do you like to participate in some of the local and regional road tours and centuries?  Would like to have a team to ride with to help you make that 100 miles?  Then this club is for you.
Would you like to find a riding "buddy"? Then this club is for you.   
  Are you tired of being dropped on your Saturday ride?  Then this club is for you. 

How do I join? 
   There are no scheduled weekly rides.  All of our rides are organized by our members.  Go to our club page on Strava.  All you do is post when and where you are riding and other members of the club post if they would like to join you.  Nothing fancy.  This site is simply a place for you to find someone to ride with. We don't have a scheduled time for weekly rides.  Ride when it fits into your schedule.  We do post a few of the major events on our calendar, but most of our rides are set up by our members.
   To be a member in good standing all you are required to do is to plan, organize, and carry out one group ride each year.  It could be as simple as an early spring ride on the Legacy Parkway trail or as complicated as a multi-day ride across the state.  
    No meetings, no fund raisers, no dues, no hassles, no forms to fill out.  Just go out and ride.  That's it.

  live it.  That's it.  Easy!