I have been doing a lot of thinking about the Wasatch Wheelmen lately. After discussions with the other two "founders" we have decided that perhaps it is time to offer up the assets of the club to someone who is willing to take on the responsibility to move the club to the next level.
For your information, here are our assets:
- We own www.wasatchwheelmen.org. I have paid the fees for the domain name for this year.
- We have the google group, the google site, google community, and the google e-mail for wastachwheelmen.
- We have a Facebook page
- We have a jersey and bibs designed with Blackbottoms that has the design fee of $100 paid for. http://www.wasatchwheelmen.org/p/clothing.html
- We have a twitter account
- We have a Strava club
- We have a Bike Journal.com club
If you are interested in taking on the leadership of this club, please let me know.